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About KES2012
Online Submission

Journal Publications

We are pleased to announce that extended version of selected papers presented at KES2012 will be included in the following journal special editions.

Applied Soft Computing

The best papers will be selected for significant revision and then submission to the FAST TRACK process in the Applied Soft Computing journal.


International Journal of Cybernetics and Systems

Special issues covering focused topics or a general selection of outstanding papers will be edited in the above journal.



The focus of the special issue will be on bio-inspired computational intelligence and machine learning for the processing of bio-medical information including clinical, biochemical and image data.


Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

A selection of papers focused on the application of artificial intelligence, and specifically knowledge based, techniques to the diverse product design and development phases, as well as the mining of data coming from production, distribution and marketing will be submitted to the EAAI journal for fast track peer-review and publication.


Pattern Recognition Letters

Tentative title of the SI: Innovative knowledge based techniques in pattern recognition
Acronym: KES
Submission deadline: December 1, 2012


Special issue scope

16th Annual
KES Conference
San Sebastian, Spain
10-12 September 2012